Saturday, November 10, 2012

Five Senses, Texture

Lesson Plan                                                                                                             Week of: ­­­ _________

THEME: Five Senses/Textures
·         Language
o   Recognize and trace “D”
o   Identify the “Circle”
o   Recognize first letter of their name
o   Recognize and say their vocab words
o   Recognize the number “1”, "2"
o    Know one child in class by name
·         Self-Help Skills
o   Use fork/spoon at least twice during the week
o   Use cup without lid, even if spilling
o   Actively recognize when it’s clean-up time, and independently put away one toy
o   Recognize when it is time to take off and put on jacket
·         Cognitive

o   Children will independently go to their circle time seat
o   Participate in finger plays and songs (participate and memorize 2)
o   Sit on spot during story time
o   Recognize when to say please
·         Emotional
o   Appropriately share one toy when asked
o   Recognize when they’re “sad”
·         Physical
o   “Jump” “Hop” and “Spin” when asked
·         Social    
o   Play beside friends

Singing Time:
  •  OPEN SING- Sing any songs that the kids want

Opening (circle time):
  •         Ask children to find their seats 
  •        Music and Finger plays: Show Me if You Can
Where is your finger?
Where is your finger?
Where is your finger?
Show me if you can.
Good, now where’s your nose?
Now, where is your nose?
Now, where is your nose?
Show me if you can.
Great, now where are your eyes?
Now, where are your eyes?
Now, where are your eyes?
Show me if you can.
Wonderful, now where are you ears?
Now, where are your ears?
Now, where are you ears?
Show me if you can.
Last one, now where is your tongue?
Now where is your tongue?
Now where is your tongue?
Show me if you can.
  • Read-Aloud Story:  *LIST BELOW, Find one at library for the week (You can read both a shape and color book each day or alternate)

Activity –Taste/Smell/Touch/See
Fill little containers with different spices (salt, sugar, cinnamon, garlic…) and other fragrant foods (lemons, limes, bananas…).  Also cut up some foods small so the children can taste and feel them.  You can add non-food items too if you’d like for them to touch, see, and smell.
Pass the cups around and have all the children taste what’s in them.  Talk about the different things they taste.  Also have the children smell what’s in the cups.  Talk about how smell affects taste.  Than have them look at the small cut up food, and talk about it (banana’s are smooshy etc). Repeat the rhyme for each taste.
The (*lemon is sour).
How do I know?
My tongue told my brain,
So it must be so.
The (*rock is hard).
How do I know?
My skin told my brain,
So it must be so.

*cinnamon is spicy, sugar is sweet, etc
*pinecone is pokey, book is smooth, etc

Activity -Hear
Make a CD with different sounds on it (doorbell ringing, horn honking, people talking, dog barking, etc.), also have pictures that depict each sound.  (If you have a tablet you can download the app “Sound Touch HD” for $5.99, it has the sounds and pictures…. Works PERFECT for this activity!)
Use your ears, use your ears,
Listen now and hear!
Use your ears, use your ears,
What kind of sound do you hear?
Say the rhyme and then play the recording. Encourage children to listen carefully. Stop the tape after each sound, and ask the children to identify it.  Have them look at the pictures and find the right matches if they need to.  After all the sounds have been identified, have children think of other sounds they have heard (e.g. paper ripping, children laughing) and add these sounds to the CD. 
  • Read the book LMNO PEAS by Keith Baker
o   Introduce the letter “D”

Materials Needed

Squishy Balloons
Fill balloons with different textures (dry beans, coffee grounds, hair gel, baby powder, rice, water, etc.  (try to find things that smell too).  Tie securely.  Have children explore feeling the different balloons. 

You can also have each of the fillings in bowls so the kids can match the balloons with the bowl.
Filling Materials

Gak Explore

Make Gak
2 tablespoons of white glue; 2 tablespoons of water; 1 drop of food coloring; 2 teaspoons of borax solution**see below
Combine glue and water. Stir until mixed. Add food coloring. Stir to mix. Add borax solution. Stir until it is one blob. Drain excess liquid and knead for a minute or so.
**Borax solution: Stir 1 tablespoon of borax into 1 cup of warm water until dissolved.

Provide noodles, buttons, coins, cookie cutters, etc. for the children to explore the gak with.  Talk to them about what they are feeling.  You can also add essential oils to the gak to make it smell.

White Glue
Food Coloring
Noodles, buttons, coins, cookie cutters, etc.


OOBLECK Sensory Table

Make OOBLECK (2 Cups Cornstarch, 1 Cup Water, Food Coloring),  make enough batches to fill your sensory table to where you want it (I made 3 ½ batches, because that’s how much cornstarch came in my thing).  Provide spoons, cups, etc.  Have children explore with the OOBLECK. (OOBLECK will give a reaction to every action, for example if you hit it, it will harden, but if you stir it, it will liquefy!)

Food coloring
Sensory Table
Scooping toys

Sensory Art
Sandpaper Finger Painting
Take sandpaper (dollar store) and have kids finger paint on the sandpaper.  Provide different fabrics or items with different textures that they can also paint on, or use as “brushes” to paint on the sandpaper. *You can mix in a little lotion or essential oil with the paint to make it smell nice too!
Finger Paints
Creative Art

Sponge Painting
Get sponges (I used scrubby sponges).  Have children dip sponges in a paint and make a picture!  When they’re done you can have them add sequins, cotton balls, etc to add texture to the picture!!
Texture (sequins, cotton balls, etc.)
Sight Walk
Take a walk with the kids (even if it’s just in your backyard).  Talk to them about the different things they are seeing.

Creative Art
Bell Painting
Place paper on cookie sheets.  Take lots of different size of bells.   Have kids dip them in paint and then roll them around the paper.  Talk to them about the sound the bell makes as they roll.
Cookie sheet
Make popcorn (I do mine on the stove in a whirlypop) so the kids can hear it popping.  Talk to them about the sounds they hear.  After the popcorn is made pour a little into a bowl for each child.  Have different spices, colored frostings, candy, etc available for them to “decorate” and flavor their own bowl of popcorn.  Help the children to pour the spices etc and talk to them about what they are seeing, smelling, and tasting.
Spices (cinnamon, chili powder, parmesan cheese etc)
Colored Frosting

Marching Fun
March to the beat of a drum.  Teacher beats on a drum slow and then fast.  Have the children move accordingly to the beat.

Noise Hide and Seek
Supply one child with a bell or whistle.  Have them hide while making noise.  The first child to find the hiding child is the next one to hide.

      Weekly Vocabulary Words
  •  See
  •  Hear
  • Smell
  •   Feel
  •  Taste
Forest Friend’s Five Senses by Christina Garelli
Rain by Manya Stojic
Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller
Hello Ocean by Pam Munoz Ryan
David Smells  by David Shannon
Five for the Little One by Christopher Raschka
I saw the Seas and the Sea Saw Me by Megan Montague Cash
Look, Listen, Taste, Touch, and Smell by Pamela Hill Nettleton
My Five Senses by Aliki
A Perfect Day: All About the Five Senses
You Can’t Taste a Pickle with Your Ear by Harriet Ziefert
You Smell and Taste and Fell and See and Hear by Mary Murph
My Five Senses by Margaret Miller
Busy Bunnies Five Senses by Teddy Slater
Where Are You Going? by Kimberlee Grave and Rozanne Lanczak Williams
What Can It Be? Riddles About the Senses by Jacqueline A. Ball
QEB Let’s Start Science series by Sally Hewitt
Rookie Read-About Health series by Sharon Gordon
Look, Listen, and Learn by Susan Canizares and Pamela Chanko
Time-to-Discover Scholastic Readers series by Melvin and Gilda Berger
The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses by Joanna Cole
You Can’t Smell a Flower With Your Ear!: A Book About Your 5 Senses by Joanna Cole



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