- Recognize and be able to trace “E”, “F”, “G”, “H"
- Follow one step directions
- Recognize story time, sit for one minute
- Identify a heart
- Identify the colors yellow and green, recognize “amarillo” and “verde”
- Recognize and be able to trace the numbers “1” and “2”
- Know the first letter of their first name
- Know the name of one other child in the program
Self Help Skills
- Use cup without lid, even if spilling
- Correctly use a spoon/fork
- Put away one toy when asked to clean-up
- Take jacket off
- Learn the hand motions to two songs
- Sit during story time
- Say please independently when appropriate
- Identify one common animal and the sound they make
- Can identify the following body parts correctly: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, toes, and belly
- Concept of sharing
- Begin to learn how to control feelings
- Know how to “dance”
- Cooperates with friends
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