Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yearly Goals

Literacy and Language
·         To use words to form 4 to 5 word sentences
·         To use action words in their speech
·         To use words to express their needs and feelings
·         To follow two or three step directions
·         To acquire some simple listening skills
·         Responds to opened-ended questions
·         Shows interest in stories & circle time
·         Sit for at least 5 minutes during circle time
·         Can sing the alphabet correctly and clearly
·         Recognize and trace all ABC’s
·          Can identify a rectangle, square, circle, triangle, oval, star, diamond, and a heart
·         Can identify colors in English correctly: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white
·         Begins to identify colors in Spanish: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white
·         Can count in English & Spanish 1-10
·         Can identify his/her own name & the letters in it
·         Can identify his/her classmates by name
Self Help
·         To sit at the table when eating
·         To use a spoon and a cup without a lid
·         To put their eating utensils away
·         To put their coats and hats on and take them off
·         To help put toys and other equipment back in place
·         Feeds self; uses a spoon or fork without spilling
·         Dressing and un-dressing
·         Washing Hands
·         To recognize and use the names of all the teachers and children in the group
·         To repeat and memorize songs and rhymes we sing during the program
·         To respond to simple what, who, where and why questions
·         To increase their attention span
·         To listen to stories, poems, flannel board stories, rhymes and finger plays
·          Can identify common animals and understands the sounds that they make
·         Can identify the following body parts correctly: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair, arms, fingers,    legs, knees, feet,   toes, and belly
·         Enjoy finger painting and messy activities
·         Begins to use manners such as please, thank you, and excuse me when appropriate
·         To begin to learn the concept of personal space, ownership and taking turns.
·         To begin to recognize and accept the feelings of other children.
·         Begin to develop and demonstrate control over some of their feelings and behaviors (self-regulation)
·         Join in gross motor activities
·         Climb & use all outside equipment properly
·          Able to jump with both feet
·          Can hold marker, crayon, paint brush properly
·          Can play with manipulatives correctly (ex. Blocks)
·         Can sort objects by color, shape, and size
·         Can put together at least a 4 piece puzzle
·         Listens to & follows simple directions
·         Cooperates with friends & teachers
·         Begins playing with friends during free play
·         Begins to directly play with other classmates
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