Thursday, October 18, 2012

All About Me

Lesson Plan                                                                                                       Week of: ­­­Jan 1- Jan 4

THEME: All About Me
·         Language
o   Recognize and trace “A”
o   Introduce Story Time, Have children learn where they’re “seat” is
o   Introduce the “Circle”
o   Recognize first letter of their name
o   Recognize and say their vocab words
·         Self-Help Skills
o   Introduce spoon/fork
o   Actively recognize when it’s clean-up time
o   Introduce toilet
·         Cognitive
o   Sit on spot during story time
o   Recognize when to say please
·         Emotional
o   Appropriately share one toy when asked
·         Physical
o   Learn how to “spin”
·         Social    
                  o    Play beside friends

Opening (circle time):

·         Show children where they’re “Seats” are
·         Music and Finger plays: I am Special

I am special,
I am special.
So are you,
So are you.
We are very special,
We are very special.
Yes it's true,
Yes it's true! 

Activity- Hello Barney
Barney (construction man puppet, however ANY puppet will do).
At circle time introduce Barney (who’s shy).  He doesn’t speak but he LOVES to learn children’s names.  Have him go up to each child to get a hand shake.  Ask the children to tell Barney their name to make him feel less shy.  Than Barney very quietly will repeat their name, so the other children have to help so that Barney is comfortable with everyone’s names. 

Activity- Names
Write everyone’s name on whiteboard (or have name plaques on board).  Have a beanbag or softball on hand.
Start out repeating the rhyme and pointing to your name on the board.  Throw the beanbag (or ball) to one of the children and help them to say the rhyme (FOCUS on them saying their own name).  Have them pass the beanbag (or ball) to the next student, until everyone has had a turn.
·         Music and Finger plays: My Name Is
My name is *Ms. Funk, Ms. Funk, Ms. Funk,
My name is Ms. Funk, who are you?  
          Read-Aloud Story:  *LIST BELOW, Find one at library for the week
·         Phonics: Play Letter “A” Video

Materials Needed

Mirror Play, Dress-up
Have a large mirror that children can look at themselves in.  Have them dress up and see how different they look with hats, gloves, coats, dresses, etc. on.  You can also use a dry erase marker to draw a mustache, or something,  on the children  as they look in the mirror.

        Two little eyes that open and close
        Two little ears and one little nose
        Two little cheeks and one little chin
        Two little lips with teeth within
Dry-erase marker

NAMES: Play dough Letters, LETTER A
Print out a sheet of paper with the child’s name.  Have them roll snakes and spell out their name on top of the paper.  Also print out a letter “A” and have the children trace it with playdough.
Name sheets
“A” print-out
Play dough
Creative Art
My own face
Get a blank picture of a face.  Have children use crayons, markers, yarn, noodles, etc. to make their nose, mouth, eyes, etc.
Blank face print-out
Crayons, markers…
Trace each child’s hand prints. Use paint or ink pads to have children tip each of their fingers.  Have them place their prints on the right fingers.  Examine the prints with them using a magnifying glass.   Talk about the different swirls and patterns of their finger tips.
Pen to trace
Ink/ paint
Magnifying glass
Fine Motor
Me Puppets
Give each child a "body" shape cut from construction paper (print-out). Let the children add fabric scraps, yarn, and wiggle eye as well as other details to make themselves into a puppet. Attach them to large craft sticks.
Construction paper
Yarn, wiggle eyes…
Craft stick

Creative Art
Handprint Collage
Make a class handprint collage. Talk about how each of the children is unique and have them paint their hand and press it onto a large sheet of paper. Label the collage with child’s name and display it.
Thumbprint Cookies
My Thumbprint Cookies
Ingredients: 1/2 cup margarine; 2 cups flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 1/3 cup water; fruit preserves or fresh fruit
Mix all ingredients together with the children (I usually divide the ingredients up so that each child can add at least one items or a portion of an item).
Form a stiff dough.
Separate the dough into small amounts, one for each child.
They roll it into a ball (of course, after manipulating and checking it out for a while!) and then use their thumb to make an indent on the top.
Place on cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 8-10 minutes. (NOTE: I also make a paper chart of which cookie belongs to which child!).
Each child adds a 1/2 teaspoon of fruit preserves or some fresh fruit in the thumb indent.
*When rolling the cookies talk about the “Circle”
Fruit jam/fresh fruit
Cooking utensils

How do I Move?
Let your children think of different ways they move their bodies.  Then tell them that you will play a moving game with them.  Name away for the children to move their bodies, such as hopping, jumping, crawling, tip-toeing, walking backwards, dancing slowly, spinning quickly.  Have the children move their bodies that way. 

TURN MUSIC ON AND DANCE (play follow the dance leader)

 Weekly Vocabulary Words:
  • Ear
  • Eye
  • Nose
  • Mouth

*All About Me Books*
All By Myself by Mercer Mayer
Frederick by Leo Lionni
Happy Birthday, Sam by Pat Hutchins
Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson
Just Because I Am by Lauren Murphy
Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Krauss
Now I'm..... by Jane Belk Moncure--these are older books, most libraries have the collections. This particular series by Moncure has one for each age Now I'm One! Now I'm Two! etc.
My Book About Me by Dr. Seuss
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Herman The Helper by Robert Kraus
The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle
Now I'm Big by Margaret Miller

Alternate Art Projects

My Favorite Things Collage-  Kids love telling about their favorite things.  Give then pieces of construction paper to glue pictures of their favorite things to.  Provide them with a variety of magazines to tear pictures from.  (This is a great beginners project for learning how to glue!  Explain to the children where the glue goes and show them how to turn over the piece of paper and put the glue side down on the paper.)  
For younger children who are not proficient at cutting or tearing yet.  Pre-cut a bunch of pictures for them to use.  Begin by explaining what you will be doing and then take a look at some of the pictures together.  Ask the children questions about what the pictures are of, what is happening in the pictures, etc.  What do they like in the pictures, what don't they like.  Ask them to choose some of the picture of the things they like to glue to their collage.  Be sure to have pictures of foods, toys, movies, other children playing, adults, etc.

Mirror- Make mirrors out of tinfoil and construction paper.  Cut a shape like a hand mirror from construction paper and let the children decorate it.  Then cut a circle out of tin-foil and glue in place to finish the hand mirror!

Life Sized Me- Trace children's bodies on large pieces of paper from a paper roll. Provide them with supplies to decorate their bodies and add clothing details.

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