Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dental Health

Lesson Plan                                                                                                                     Week of: ­­­ February 18-22
THEME: Dental Health
·         Language
o   Recognize and trace “G”
o   Recognize “heart”
o   Recognize first letter of their name
o   Recognize and say their vocab words
o   Recognize numbers “3”, “4”, “5”
o   Know two other children’s names in program
·         Self-Help Skills
o   Learn how to use cup without lid, even with spilling
o   Use fork/spoon at least twice during the week
o   Actively recognize when it’s clean-up time, and independently put away toys
o   Attempt to independently put on or take of jacket
·         Cognitive
o   Participate in hand motions during songs
o   Children will independently go to their circle time seat
o   Children will sit at their circle time seat for 45 seconds
o   Independently respond “thank you” or “you’re welcome” once a day
o   Correctly identify mouth and teeth
·         Emotional
o   Appropriately share one toy when asked
o   Recognize when they’re “sad”
·         Physical
o   Independently “dance” when music comes one
·         Social    
o   Independently approach a friend to play/share

Singing Time:
·         OPEN SING- Sing any songs that the kids want

Opening (circle time):
·         Ask children to find their seats
·         Music and Finger plays: Tooth Brushing Song
When you wake up in the morning,
it's quarter to one And you want to have a little fun
You brush your teeth,
ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

When you wake up in the morning,
 it's quarter to two And you want to find something to do
You brush your teeth,
ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

And when you wake up in the morning,
it's quarter to three And your mind starts hummin' tweedle dee dee
You brush your teeth,
ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

When you wake up in the morning,
it's quarter to four And you think you hear a knock on your door
You brush your teeth,
ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

When you wake up in the morning,
it's quarter to five And you just can't wait to come alive
You brush your teeth,
ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch
You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

·         Read-Aloud Story:  *LIST BELOW, Find one at library for the week
Activity- A Tooth Tale
On a stuffed animal (or puppet) show the children how to properly brush their teeth.  Place toothbrush at a slight upward angle on the outside of the back bottom teeth.  Make small circular motions on all the bottom teeth, then do the same circular motion on the inside of the bottom teeth.   Once done with the bottom teeth move to the top teeth and do the same thing to keep that smile shining.  Have children pretend their finger is a toothbrush and have them practice.
Cut 10 teeth out of construction paper.  Write a number on each 1-10.
Tell “A Tooth Tale” by Mary Jane Butner.  As you say each part of the rhyme take a tooth off the flannel board (counting down to one) and hand it to a child. 
·         Music and Finger plays: A Tooth Tale
Ten baby teeth chomping food so fine,
One fell out-then there were nine.

Nine baby teeth said, "Chewing is great!"
One fell out-then there were eight.

Eight baby teeth said, "We belong to Kevin."
Kevin bit an apple-then there were seven.

Seven baby teeth munching pretzel sticks,
One fell out-then there were six.

Six baby teeth gulping cottage cheese with chives,
One fell out-then there were five.

Five baby teeth cried, "We want to eat some more!"
One fell out-then there were four.

Four baby teeth said, "Is that a carrot stick we see?"
They bit into that carrot-then there were three.
Three baby teeth sobbed, "We bit off more than we can chew."
One fell out-then there were two.

Two baby teeth gnawed a hot cross bun,
One fell out -and then there was one.

One baby tooth exclaimed, "I can hardly chew this crumb."
One fell out-then there were none.

BUT all the time those baby teeth were falling one by one,
Some new teeth were growing in. And now my tooth's tale's done.
Activity- Brush the Egg
Hardboil an egg the day before and place it in a cup of dark soda (pepsi, coke, root beer, etc.)
Talk to the children about keeping their teeth clean.  Take the egg out of the soda and show them how discoloured and yellow it looks (looks like plaque).  Pull out a toothbrush and show them how to put paste on it (each child can have their own brush and put their own paste on).  Show them that the toothbrush with paste will take the yellowing off of the egg.  Have each child take a turn while you sing the song. 
·         Music and Finger plays: Got My Toothpaste

(Sung to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
Got my toothpaste, got my brush,
I won’t hurry, I won’t rush.
Making sure my teeth are clean,
Front and back and in between.
When I brush for quite a while,
I will have a happy smile!
Activity- Happy Tooth, Sad Tooth
Print out the Happy Tooth, Sad Tooth printable.
Tell the story of The Toothache with whatever puppet you decide to use as *Jenny.  When the story is over give each child a food picture talk to them about good foods and bad foods for our teeth.
·         Music and Finger plays: The Toothache
*Jenny Giraffe was tired of eating just leaves
She decided instead to eat candy and cupcakes and all kinds of sweets.
She then went to bed without brushing her teeth.
In the morning she woke with a terrible SCREECH.
She let out a moan, and she let out a groan.
She thought to herself, I wonder what’s wrong.
She went to the mirror and opened up wide
She struggled and struggled to look what was inside.
What she found was not something fun.
She thought to herself what have I done?!
She ran to the sink all in a rush
And hurried and hurried to get out her brush.
In her great haste she almost forgot the toothpaste.
She slathered it on and as fast as she could
She brushed her teeth just like she should.
She brushed and brushed and brushed some more,
She brushed until her teeth felt sore.
She opened up wide
And again looked inside
What she found this time was great
She had brushed before it was too late.
Next time she said I won’t eat all those sweets
I’ll stick to my spinach, my carrots, and beets.
And no matter what I eat I’ll remember to brush and brush and brush my teeth!

·         Read the book LMNO PEAS by Keith Baker
o   Introduce the letter “G”
·         Phonics: Play Letter “G” Video

Weekly Vocabulary Words:
·         Teeth
·          Mouth
·         Floss
·         Toothbrush

Materials Needed

Shaving Cream Teeth
Cut the bottoms off of large plastic soda bottles and turn them upside down - they look like teeth! I secured a dozen or so together. Spray them with shaving cream and give the kids toothbrushes to brush the teeth clean.
Shaving Cream
Food coloring
Soda bottle bottoms (or foam egg cartons)

Tile Teeth and Texture
Give each child a white tile.  Provide different foods to put on their tiles (preferably things with texture that are spreadable.  Relish, ketchup, honey, toothpaste, peanut butter, etc.)
Help them to spread the things over their tiles.  Then use the toothbrushes to wipe them clean.  Talk about the different textures of the foods.

Floss those teeth
Make a model of half of the mouth using construction paper and egg cartons ( ).  Put different foods in between the teeth.  Help the children to use floss to get the food out. Talk to them about why its importation to floss.
Mouth models (construction paper, egg cartons)
Lettuce (or something to put between teeth)

Creative Art
Classroom toothbrush
Cut out a LARGE toothbrush (about 48 inches long; the handle should be 6 inches wide and the bristles the appropriate porportions to the handle); a variety of arts/crafts supplies (fabric, ribbon, sequins, etc.); pompoms, yarn, glitter glue, crayons, markers, etc.
The children decorate a classroom toothbrush that can be hung outside your classroom (or inside!) to introduce your Dental Health theme!
 Toothbrush cutout
Fabric, ribbon, sequins, yarn, crayons, etc.
Fine Motor
Lace a Tooth
If you don't have tooth shape lacing cards, make them! Cut out a tooth shape from colored poster board. Hole punch around the edges. Provide laces with a knot in one end.
Provide other dental health items as lacing cards such as floss shapes, toothpaste, etc
Tooth cutouts (printable)
Yarn for lacing
Hole punch
Fine Motor
Braces for Johnny/Jenny
Give each child a printout of Johnny/Jenny (a child with a toothy grin).  Help them to glue sequins on their teeth to look like braces!  Talk to them about going to the dentist to get different things done to their teeth and how they don’t need to be scared.
Johnny/Jenny Printout
Creative Art
Dental Floss Painting
Cut large teeth out of construction paper (printable).  Let children string paint on the teeth with the dental floss. Also provide toothbrush’s the children can use to splatter paint onto the teeth with.these! Encourage them to color with just red and blue so they can see the shade of purple that they make. Experiment with other colors as well!
VARIATION: Instead of spray bottles, provide the children with eye droppers and small cups of water to drop water where they want. Great fine motor skill practice!
*These dry very quickly.
Tooth cutouts (printable)
Apple Lips
Slice apples in 4 pieces and lay 2 peices white edges together red skins to the outside. Spread peanut butter between the apples and put a row of mini marshmallows across the peanut butter. have 2 lips and teeth ! We did this for snack on our dental health day.
Apple slices (2 per child)
Peanut butter
Mini marshmallows
Fine Motor
Good Food Collage
Have pictures of good food cut out of magazines.  Have each child make a collage of good food.  Talk to them about the food they have on their collage.
Food pictures

Hide ‘N Seek Teeth
Hide these teeth throughout the room or area you will be playing this (outside is fun as well!). Tell the children they need to find all the teeth.  You can also have them try to find all the teeth before a certain song ends.
Large teeth of different colors cut out of construction paper

Teeth Stompin’ Fun!
Have the children dance around the room as the music plays. When the music stops, they have to find a tooth and stand on it!
EXTENSION: When the music stops and they are all on a tpptj, hold up or say a number and have them stomp or hop on their tooth that many times!
Large teeth of different colors cut out of construction paper (can use the same from day before)

Toss the Floss
Play music… have each child take a turn tossing the bean bags into the tooth shape on the floor. 
Bean bags
tooth shape drawn on floor in masking tape
Dental Health Books

Dad, are you the tooth fairy?  By Jason Alexander
Harry McNairy, Tooth Fairy by Anne Fitzgerald Alper
Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth by Lucy Bate
I Lost my Tooth in Africa by Penda Diakite
Dear Tooth Fairy by Pamela Duncan Edwards
Does a Lion Brush by Fred Ehrlich
Open Wide: Tooth School Inside by Laurie Keller
The Tooth Book by Theo Lesieg
Just Going to the Dentist by Mercer Mayer
Tabitha’s Terrifically Tough Tooth by Charlotte Middleton
Nice Try, Tooth Fairy by Mary Olson
The Story of the Tooth Fairy by Tom Paxton
You Think it’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? By Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
Show me Your Smile!  A Visit to the Dentist (Dora the Explorer 11) by Christine Ricci
Going to  the Dentist by Fred Rogers
Open Wide!  A Visit to the Dentist by Cecile Schoberle
Clarabella’s Teeth by Ann Vrombaut
I Lost by Tooth!  By Hans Wilhelm
Teeth are Not for Biting by Elizabeth Verdick
Andrew’s Loose Tooth by Robert Munsch
Smile a Lot by Nancy Carlson
Maisy, Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth by Lucy Cousins
Bootsie Barker Bites by Barbara Bottner
The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss
Arthur's Missing Tooth by Lillian Hoban
The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist by Stan and Jan Berenstain
The Crocodile and the Dentist by Taro Gomi
Going to the Dentist Anne Cirvardi
I Lost My Tooth! by Hans Wilhelm
Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth by Lucy Bate
My Dentist by Harlow Rockwell
My Tooth Is About To Fall Out by Grace Maccarone and Betsy Lewin
The Prince's Tooth Is Loose by Harriet Ziefert
Timothy Tiger's Terrible Toothache by Jan Wahl



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